I haven't watched alot of news or kept up with what has been going on politically because it's been my determination that everyone is STILL focusing and arguing about all the little brush fires the Deep State puts out here for us all to argue and bitch about, while they literally get away with murder (and everything else) from within the shadows of our government, seemingly totally UNDETECTED by the American public.Tell me. Why would ANYONE think that Joe Biden is the President if the United States? Why is it that everyone believes that Washington's most successful prostitute is our Vice President? If there is one thing President Trump CLEARLY revealed to us, it is that there is a VAST GLOBALIST NETWORK intertwined within every root of every department of our government, and IT IS DEAD SET AGAINST OUR CONSTITUTION AND OUR CITIZENS! This global network fully intends to take over this country without firing a shot!PRESIDENT TRUMP REVEALED IT FOR ALL TO PLAINLY SEE! And we are just going to keep IGNORING it? Give me a fucking break! The answer is, the Deep State STOLE the election of 2020, just as they have stolen elections in the past (yes, our elections... you don't actually think this was the first time, do you?).Now if that is true, our focus shouldn't be on any one single issue. Our focus should be on removing corrupt and criminals from our government and restoring the integrity of our elections and country. Right now, REAL AMERICANS HAVE LOST CONTROL OF OUR GOVERNMENT.Globalist China with the help of the United States Deep State and other globalist countries manufactured a virus and has attacked the world. Right now in America, we are also being attacked by the United States Deep State as they seek to FORCE AMERICANS to take unknown and disproven fake vaccines and substances able to "modify our DNA". JOE biden is an half senile old man with perverted sexual tendencies. That's all. THAT'S IT! That's all Joe is capable of...Oh wait. He does one more thing. He's the "pen man" for rhe Deep State. When any branch of the Deep State wants, they carry pen and paper to Joe. They say, "Mr. PRESIDENT? We think it would be a great idea to do this. The payoff will be very good. And we have your back. Please sign here." Joe signs the document never reading a word. Later if there is an upheaval at a press conference, he is briefed and if need be, he'll just spin a lie or leave. No big deal.So. No. Biden isnt our President. If you are an American, the Deep State (unelected officials that do not represent the people) runs our show. Joe Biden is President of The United States Deep State and the Constitution charges we the people to keep such things from happening. The Deep State evolved from the 'Administrative State' created in the 1940's to circumvent our Constitution. Globals have been secretly building their network to attain the power we see today. We now have a government riddled with 'little Kings' (unelecteddepartment heads) that are Deep State appointed tyrants against our country and our Constitution.If you're a globalist, enjoy the upper hand. You own it all right now. You have our government, media and any other political prostitute performing for you out here. Your 100 year plan is in the final stages.My point is, don't worry about Joe or any other puppet face they give you to argue with. FIX THESE ELECTIONS, or we'll never have another President. Our kids will lose everything. They've already lost their healthcare. They have already been rediculously dumbed down in government schools with diseducation and propaganda. Well done Mom and Dad. They've lost their rights to privacy. They lose rights daily to over-regulation in everything. Well done mom and dad. They are even losing rhe right to govern their own body because Mom and Dad are so willing to trade it for what they think is safety or convenience, or both.Wake the fuck up mom and dad.
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Well said, except for the f word.

Daniel Fathera
I think the FUCK word is very spot on to shake the shit out of us. We need to end this.