Paul Anthony Minger (Poetry)
on September 30, 2021
My 2nd book just completed it's final edits and is due out within the next couple weeks. When completed it will be sold on Amazon where my 1st book currently sells at. This 2nd book will include 100 different poems, like the 1st book but also it will include some extras. It will have 6 songs that I have written where 4 was produced by Paramount Creative Studios. I've also included conversations that I had with my daughters because I wanted this book to include character and some laughter. It's still focuses on the poems but there is a lot of extras in it that the first book didn't have in it. Both books are personal to me because they both lay out a lot more than just a bunch of random poems (which there are a few of them in them), most of the poems are written through experiences, good and bad. So, if you are one that loves easy reading, this could be fore you and I hope you enjoy them.
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