Bill Blust Jr
on September 27, 2021
There will come a day in the not too distant future when the citizens around the world will say enough is enough. The people who supported and pushed vaccines and passports will answer for their crimes against humanity.
There are many good doctors and nurses in the medical field that follow their Hippocratic Oath. But to them that push the the death vaccine and those who refuse to treat the non vaccinated, your belief over what the true science has shown will not be an excuse.
Likewise, there are many good police officers that follow their oath. But to them that are arresting and beating those who refuse to comply, saying they were only following orders will not be an excuse.
Having served in the Army, I know there are many good men and women in the military who uphold the Oath they swore when they enlisted. But to those that decide to go against their oath, you will be branded as a traitor, no excuse will absolve you from being an oath breaker.
All the politicians that made mandates or laws that took Freedoms away, pushed the Covid hoax and the vaccine, and pushed for vaccine passports, you are the most treasonous of traitors. You care nothing for the people you are supposed to represent. Your quest for power, control, and money, has turned you into a self serving elitist. There is absolutely no excuse you could possibly present in defense that would absolve you from your high crimes.
Then there are the citizens of the world. You'll not be able to sit on a fence, you will need to pick one side or the other, choose wisely. To the citizens on the left, wake up before it's too late, for once the Revolution starts, it will be too late and no quarter will be given.
Even a blind man can see the signs that everything is coming to a head, and its not going to be pretty. Worldwide civil disobedience is on the horizon. For known traitors, justice will be swift and merciless.
You have been warned.
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jason r grube
Robert A. Heinlein wrote books about it.
September 27, 2021