Bill Blust Jr
on September 25, 2021
by Bill Blust Jr.
As I sit here this morning, drinking my coffee, I can only shake my head in disbelief. Before the election was over, most Americans knew something wasn't right. Even the blind could see it. We knew that the 2020 Presidential election involved massive voter fraud.
But, this is America and truth and justice would prevail. The corruption and evil would be exposed and the guilty would be held responsible. This wrong would be corrected and America would stand tall and shine and be an example to the world. At least that was my thought.
The Arizona audit proved beyond a shadow of doubt that there was massive voter fraud, and that was it's purpose. Before the audit, the left denied it saying there was no proof, no evidence. They said voter fraud was a conspiracy and the people who believed there was voter fraud were delusional.
Well, here is your proof, here is your evidence. But sadly, proof and evidence takes a back seat because the left still deny the facts. There was a time in America that we had investigative journalism. These men and women would dig deep and present the facts to the public that didn't include their personal views and the public then made up their own minds. But in today's world, investigative journalism is all but dead. The vast majority of news agencies are owned by the left. Additionally, the people who work for them have the same leftist ideology. It's no longer news, it's nothing more than leftist propaganda.
But, it gets worse. Many people have lost the capability to think for themselves. They let these talking heads do their thinking for them. They question little, if anything at all. They have become too lazy to do their own in depth research. They blindly believe whatever the talking heads tell them.
Go online and all you see from the main stream media is headlines that say the audit proves Biden won. To hell with the proof and evidence. The main stream media is working overtime to put their own spin on the audit and the sheep will obediently believe what they are told.
For me, the audit was the straw that broke the camel's back. I no longer have any hope that America will see this injustice of massive voter fraud legally righted. Our politicians, court system, and yes, the main stream media have become too corrupted. My faith is lost.
Personally, the only glimmer of hope I see is through civil disobedience. I will continue to vote, but, I don't feel my vote matters much. Unless we stand up together, we are lost as a country. Over the years, we have let the left chip away at our Freedoms little by little, going mostly unnoticed. Now we can plainly see what our inattention has caused. It's past time we stand together as one and take our Country back. I have no illusions that it will be easy, on the contrary, it will be difficult. We will endure hardships and persecution. It will probably get ugly. But I ask you fellow Patriots, do we take a knee and live in servitude, or, fight to make America great again? What are you willing to give up for the future of your children, your grandchildren and a future generations?
The world looks at America as the last bastillion of hope and freedom. No one is coming to our rescue. It is up to us. We The People must stand tall and do what it takes to make America back into what our Founding Fathers envisioned.
Be strong, be courageous, united as one we can be victorious. Be ready to fight the good fight.
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