Bill Blust Jr
on September 19, 2021
by Bill Blust Jr.
If you get the vaccine it will prevent you from getting Covid. Oops, found out that was a lie.
If you get the vaccine it will lessen your symptoms from Covid. Oops, found out that was a lie.
If you get the vaccine you won't give Covid to anyone else. Oops, found out that was a lie.
If you get the vaccine, don't worry, it is perfectly safe. Oops, found out that was a lie.
So, what is the purpose of the vaccine?
MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!!! Come on everyone, get the jab, it's absolutely free. But, it really isn't. Our tax dollars are paying for it. Isn't it amazing how big pharmaceutical companies are raking in the money and their stock prices have gone through the roof. According to Wall Street, Moderna's annual revenue is expected to catapult from the $803.4 million recorded in 2020 to an estimated $10 billion in 2023. Over 50 lawmakers reported investing upwards of six figures in the pharmaceutical industry. SAY WHAT? Thats right, many leading figures in Biden’s administration, including key White House advisers, State Department leaders, and health care officials have financial stake in or professional ties to  vaccine manufacturers, which are now lobbying to prevent policies that would cut into future profits over the vaccine.
So, the above is true, do your own research if you don't believe me.
Well, I'm a long time member in in good standing of the CTO (Conspiracy Theorist Organization) so here's what I also believe.
If you have ever bothered to read the United Nations Agenda 2021 or Agenda 2030, you will learn that they feel the world is over populated. In turn, they want to lower the earth's population.....I kid you not. Now, they can't just go out and start shooting people. No, that would cause chaos. So, how do they do it. Enter Covid-19 and the miracle cure. In less than a year since the vaccine has been rolled out, thousands have died from getting it. Many more are experiencing severe health issues. It has been reported that the vaccine is causing sterilization. I'm reading from different sources that within five years, many of those who were vaccinated will die. Are you picking up what I'm throwing down?
But, you say to heck with that, I'm not getting that vaccine. The world leaders know that there will be people like you. You're being selfish, shame on you. They offer you incentives to get it, but, being the stubborn person you are, you still don't get it. What is the government to do to make you comply?
That's right, everyone who gets the jab will be issued a vaccine passport. With it, you can go into stores, restaurants, night clubs, concerts, sporting get the picture. But, you bull headed people who still refuse to get the vaccine, well, too bad for you, you'll just have to stay home. What? That's right, no vaccine passport, no being a member of society. You will not be permitted to use public transportation. And don't try to be sneaky about it. We have all seen the videos from France where the Vaccine Passport Police were checking people to make sure they have permission from the government to be out and about.......PAPERS PLEASE.
Sounds all doom and gloom, doesn't it. Well, there is a silver lining. As much as the main stream media and social platforms tried to suppress the truth, it didn't work, their narrative is being exposed and the truth is being told. Many people who were once asleep are waking up. Scientists, Doctors, Nurses, and many others are fighting this evil. Citizens around the world are protesting. Our voices are being heard. Stay strong Patriots, we are many, they are few. There is strength in numbers.
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