On this day, the Constitution was signed in PhiladelphiaSeptember 17, 1787 a group of men gather in a closed meeting room to sign the greatest vision of human freedom in history, the U.S. Constitution. And it was Benjamin Franklin who made the motion to sign the document in his last great speech.The Constitutional Convention started in May 1787 in Pennsylvania’s State House (Independence Hall). The delegates drew up a plan for a new form of Republican Government that replaced a weak central government established by the Articles of Confederation.George Washington presided over the Convention.And when it was done kept the journals until a new Congress was formed under the Constitution.Of the 41 men in the room, 38 signed the document.After the meeting concluded, McHenry noted, “A lady asked Dr. Franklin, ‘Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy?’ A republic, replied the Doctor, if you can keep it.” @DigitalNukes ☢️
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