Bill Blust Jr
on September 17, 2021
Close businesses causing people to be laid off, give them "free" cough, cough, stimulus money, give them a weekly kicker to their unemployment check, get them to experience the side of Socialism that costs them no money, but allows them to live nicely.
Even when the weekly unemployment kicker has ended, many people have decided they liked living off the governments tit and refuse to go get jobs.
What happens when their regular unemployment runs out? Will the government extend it? What happens when there is no more stimulus money, will the government pay out more?
What if the government does not extend unemployment and additionally no longer pays a stimulus check. Will these same people say screw it, I liked living off the goverments tit and decide to go on welfare? I believe many will do just that.
We know which way the majority on welfare vote. They will definitely not vote against the party that feeds and clothes them, via the hard working citizens tax dollars, you know, the people that actually provide the "free stuff."
I'm not saying all Americans are like this. But sadly, many of the younger generation were never taught work ethics.
I admit, Im a conspiracy theorist. But, would like to read comments that would disprove what I believe.
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