Bill Blust Jr
on September 12, 2021
Since the rigged election, it seems America has changed overnight. Yes, I know, America has been changing long before that. During the eight year Obama reign, we saw the America's decline rapidly pick up pace at an alarming rate. Barack and his husband Michael set race relations back 50 years.
During the Trump years, America made an amazing comeback. Sadly, the left continued to divide America.
Now, with this entire imposter Biden administration, America is sliding down the slope of destruction faster than ever. Biden promised to unite America, but, he is doing the complete opposite. There is not a single thing he has done that has benefited America or her citizens.
It looks like the left has decided to bypass their plan for a socialist America and go straight to Communism. There are 80 million mad Americans, yet we do almost nothing except express our anger on social media.
Personally, I no longer trust the ballot box. Additionally, we have seen many supposedly Republican elected officials side with the left. I no longer believe we can win our country back by voting. I'm tired of empty campaign promises.
It's almost as if we are in the movie, "The Wizard Of Oz" and Biden is the great Oz. But behind the curtains, others are moving the levers.
I keep asking myself, what will it finally take for Americans to say, enough? Will it be like France, Cuba, Taiwan, and other countries whos citizens are taking to the streets by the hundreads and thousands protesting? Or, have we become too comfortable? Or, will it take something like Ruby Ridge, or, the Oregon Standoff when rancher LaVoy Finicium was killed? Will something like that be the shot heard around the world? Or, will it be Patriotic military leaders that will organize a coup de'etat against the fraudulent administration presently occupying Washington?
I feel something has to happen soon if the Republuc is to be saved.
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