WTNT32 KNHC 071748TCPAT2BULLETINHurricane Larry Intermediate Advisory Number 28ANWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL AL122021200 PM AST Tue Sep 07 2021...LARGE LARRY EXPECTED TO CAUSE DANGEROUS SWELLS OVER THEWESTERN ATLANTIC COAST THIS WEEK...SUMMARY OF 200 PM AST...1800 UTC...INFORMATION----------------------------------------------LOCATION...24.8N 55.8WABOUT 750 MI...1210 KM SE OF BERMUDAMAXIMUM SUSTAINED WINDS...115 MPH...185 KM/HPRESENT MOVEMENT...NW OR 320 DEGREES AT 9 MPH...15 KM/HMINIMUM CENTRAL PRESSURE...967 MB...28.56 INCHESWATCHES AND WARNINGS--------------------CHANGES WITH THIS ADVISORY:None.SUMMARY OF WATCHES AND WARNINGS IN EFFECT:A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect for...* BermudaA Tropical Storm Watch means that tropical storm conditions arepossible within the watch area, generally within 48 hours.For storm information specific to your area, please monitorproducts issued by your national meteorological service.DISCUSSION AND OUTLOOK----------------------At 200 PM AST (1800 UTC), the center of Hurricane Larry was locatednear latitude 24.8 North, longitude 55.8 West. Larry is movingtoward the northwest near 9 mph (15 km/h), and this general motionis expected to continue through Wednesday. A turn toward thenorth-northwest and north with an increase in forward speed isforecast on Thursday. On the forecast track, the center of Larryshould pass east of Bermuda on Thursday.Maximum sustained winds are near 115 mph (185 km/h) with highergusts. Gradual weakening is forecast during the next several days.Larry is a large hurricane. Hurricane-force winds extend outwardup to 70 miles (110 km) from the center and tropical-storm-forcewinds extend outward up to 185 miles (295 km).The estimated minimum central pressure is 967 mb (28.56 inches).HAZARDS AFFECTING LAND----------------------Key messages for Larry can be found in the Tropical CycloneDiscussion under AWIPS header MIATCDAT2 and WMO header WTNT42 KNHC.WIND: Tropical storm conditions are possible on Bermuda beginninglate Wednesday or early Thursday.SURF: Swells generated by Larry will continue to affect the LesserAntilles, portions of the Greater Antilles, and the Bahamas throughmidweek, and impact Bermuda through the end of the week. Significantswells should reach the east coast of the United States and AtlanticCanada by midweek and continue affecting these shores through theend of the week. These swells are likely to cause life-threateningsurf and rip current conditions. Please consult products from yourlocal weather office.NEXT ADVISORY-------------Next complete advisory at 500 PM AST.$$Forecaster Pasch
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