David Rich
on September 5, 2021
Take your son fishing. The 10th is this Friday, make it a 3 day weekend camping. Just do something with your children before the zeta riticuli scum snatch them up for their human horn aphrodisiac properties and to be sold off to the highest bidder on the intergalactic black market on the other side of the Milky Way. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† we can stop them! Let them know we won’t take the abuse anymore. For real. πŸ‘‡πŸ»
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Michael Blankenship
Hang on... some of the Zeta Reticuli are the good guys: gray, about five foot tall and from planet Serpo (40 lightyears from us). See ending of β€œClose Encounters of the Third Kind”. Spielberg was somewhat briefed on the exchange program. See UFO encounter with cop at side of road and egg-shaped craf... View More
September 6, 2021
David Rich
David Rich replied - 7 replies