Gabriel Benton
on September 4, 2021
"I wonder how long it took them to discover this adverse effect after the vaccine was approved for use in Europe.
I wonder if the ability for vaccines to train our immune system to attack ourselves might have something to do with all the autoimmune issues on the rise.
I wonder if the majority of doctors are even trained to look for or or have the tools to diagnose this vaccine effect as the root cause of their patient’s symptom presentation.
I wonder if we can ever accurately quantify vaccine adverse effects if doctors at the point of care don’t know how to diagnose or have time to properly report the root cause of the illness they are treating symptomatically.
I wonder how many other side effects we don’t know about because the scientific and medical communities don’t want to make observations, do the research, or diagnose anything that might impede vaccine compliance.
I’ve been wondering this for 4 years."
-- Joy Fritz
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