Bill Blust Jr
on September 2, 2021
I was at work that day. All of us were shocked. As the days passed and more details were released, my shock turned to anger. We were attacked by terrorists.
Fast forward to 2013. A friend of mine started talking to me about 9/11 telling me it wasn't done by terrorists, it was done by the elites in our own government. I told him he was full of s%#t and crazy as hell.
I have had ancestors fight in every war and conflict since the War of 1812. I served four years in the military. I love my country and consider myself a patriot. Never in my wildest dreams could I ever imagine that our own government could intentionally kill its own frigging way!!!
But, regardless of my staunch objections, my friend persisted. He showed me independent reports, many videos, he dragged me down the rabbit hole screaming and kicking.
I don't know what it finally was, but suddenly, my eyes were opened. I started doing my own research and realized our own government was responsible for 9/11.
That's the question I asked my friend. He lead me down another path, this time I went willingly.
What were the results of 9/11? At the time, Bush was our President and he took our military to Afghanistan. The goal was to topple the Taliban government and dismantle al-Qaeda. Thus the beginning of the War On Terror.
But, was it really a war on terror?
If it was a war on terror, then why didn't we pull out of Afghanistan in 2011 when Osama bin Laden was (supposedly) killed? After all, they said he was the master mind behind 9/11. Why did America stay in Afghanistan an additional ten years?
Once your eyes are open, it's quite easy to understand, wars make certain people extremely rich. As of 2021, America has been involved in some type of war or conflict for 226 years since America's founding in 1776.
Don't believe war is a big money industry? Then do some in depth research into the Rothchild family.
President Trump wanted our military out of Afghanistan and he brokered a deal to do just that. And because my eyes are now opened, I supported the withdrawal of our Military from Afghanistan. Sadly, The inept Biden administration has totally screwed the entire withdrawal.
Or did they?
Even the lowest ranking military personnel knows that the first to be evacuated are the civilians, then equipment, then the military. They didn't even attempt to take arms, ammo, or equipment. You never leave operational equipment for the enemy, you destroy it. Well, that didn't happen.
And evacuating the civilians was a huge cluster f#$k. In fact, as of this writing, 30 August, 2021, there are still Americans trapped in Afghanistan.
As much as I hate the thought, I believe the Biden administration knew exactly what it was doing. Leaving billions of dollars in military equipment for the enemy. Wouldn't be the first time our government has armed an enemy. Abandon American citizens in a hostile country to possibly be captured and killed. That would anger all of America and of course that would give the government the excuse to retaliate by sending our Military back to Afghanistan. And who pays? The American tax payer and sadly, our brave men and women in our military and their families.
I love America, but, I no longer have faith in, or, trust the people who run our country. We are disposable pawns in their plans. They play us like a fiddle and we dance to their tune. To some who read this, I'm a conspiracy theorist, that's ok, I wear that title with pride. To others, your eyes are open and you see what I see.
I pray I'm wrong and that the American citizens still trapped in Afghanistan are not taken hostage and worse, killed. I further pray that we don't go back into Afghanistan for yet another war. Time will tell.
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