Bill Blust Jr
on September 1, 2021
I dislike being cynical, it's not a good feeling. But, The times we are in, it's difficult not to feel like this.
Even without absolute proof, we know that the vast majority of political figures in the world lie, cheat, steal, and commit other horrendous crimes against humanity. Yet sadly, very few are ever brought to justice. It's not limited to just the politicians, it extends to people in the entertainment industry, music industry, and sports industry. They are all rich and that seems to make them untouchable and beyond reproach. Laws for me, but, not for thee. Definitely a double standard.
It's difficult to hold them accountable when all of them belong to the same club. They are the elite class and look down upon us as mere peons. Sadly, many of us look up to them with worshipping eyes as if they were God's.
I'm so tired of reading about these elites and their crimes and very rarely are any of them brought to justice, especially in politics. Each side accuses the other of wrong doing, but, that's where it ends. Unless of course your last name is Trump. No, he (Trump) wasn't perfect, but he started to expose these elites for what they were. Never in the history of America has a President been attacked so much. Yet the other Presidents got pretty much a free pass from the press.
I now understand the reason the statue of Lady Justice wears a blindfold, it's not to be fair or impartial, it's to hide the injustices of the elite. That statue should be replaced with a statue of the three monkies, hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil, it's much more fitting.
These elites distract us and pit us against one another and for the most part, it works. Meanwhile they continue their crimes unabated. Without unity, we the people are powerless.
Yea, I'm cynical, can't help it. But, people are starting to wake up. But, is it too late? I fear we have gone too far and the only way to correct this disaster is when we all stand up together and with one voice proclaim enough is enough. Our Constitution gives us that right, that's the entire purpose of the 2nd Amendment. I wish there was another way, but, I can't see it.
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