Larry William Harris
on August 30, 2021
Mon, August 30, 2021
True Love
Among the innocent victims of this effete and degenerate age, there is none so pure and so beautiful as love.
Next to the word God with its various forms, there is no word so fair in all the language. Yet it may be said without qualification that this beautiful word has so suffered in the house of its friends as now to be scarcely recognizable. For the great mass of mankind, love has lost its divine meaning. The novelist, the playwright, the psychoanalyst, the writer of popular love songs, have abused this fair being too long. For filthy lucre, they have dragged her through the sewers of the human mind until she appears to the world as no more than a blowzy and bloated strumpet for whom no one any longer has the least trace of respect, the mention of whose name brings no more than a wink or an embarrassed simper. By losing the divine content from the concept of love, modern man now has remaining only what we might expect — a brazen-faced dowd whom he courts at all hours of the day and night with songs that should make a chimpanzee blush.
But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8
In common usage love is denigrated. But in its fullest expression love is Christ dying for for us while we were yet sinners!
O Christ, it would be more comprehensible had You died for me after I was fully transformed into Your image. But You died for me while I was yet a sinner, an enemy. O what love!
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