Jerry Reiter
on August 24, 2021
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At this point i dont see it ending until the millitary does their job or civilians do our job. Eitherway it could get bloody.
August 25, 2021 Edited
Jerry Reiter
I wouldnt count on the military, law enforcement, and every other government institution except local sheriff's will probably ( elected by the people) to be on the right side of this. We as a people need to find common ground come together and say no if some of the other groups do fall on the rights... View More
August 25, 2021
Dave replied - 1 reply
Jerry Reiter
I wish my thoughts had more hope todays been a sad day with the loss of our soldiers in Afghanistan and the weak response of our representatives i can only hope this brings us together as we pray for the families that have paid the worst price
August 27, 2021