Gerald Williamson
on August 23, 2021
Good day everyone, I'm Gerald and I'm a "Bitcoin Investment Manager". I won't tell you the story of how I came from rags to riches, rather I'm here to teach help and guide you to riches. This is my first post so I don't want it to be long or make you lose interest, here's a run-down of what I have to offer.
1. What is "Bitcoin Mining"?
2. How easy is it to possession "Bitcoin"?
3. How to mine "Bitcoin"
4. "Bitcoin Circulation"
5. How much do "Miners" earn?
6. The "ins" and "outs" of "Bitcoin Mining"
7. The "64โ€Bit Hexadecimal Number"
8. Is "Bitcoin Mining" legal?
9. Risks of "Bitcoin Mining"
That pretty much sums it up, I'll make posts daily in the order above, after the Educative section, comes the practical section where you all will gain experience together and live the luxurious life you all dream of.
Peace โœŒโ˜ฎ๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿณ;)
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