I don’t normally post this in another group(which I am or will be)🤪. But the message today is very important. On one topic, two fronts. 1.) D-Il. stuck in another bill that all supplements/herbs may need a prescription. We’ve been fighting this for years. Link at the very bottom. Meanwhile...2.) The FDA is blocking BOO because of it’s substantial ability to work. And I believe the total is $near $77million worth that’s being blocked.Sales increased per month recently from $30k to $3m and it hasn’t stopped. The quality is what’s setting it apart. While many have tried others. They don’t compare. What is it? A ♈️!ru$ coater. It literally hugs the bad to take it out if the body and brings in good. See below for a list of these ‘good’!If you have heard of Shilijit then you are aware of a relative. Shilajit is Sanskrit for the black resin substance. "Shilajit" is the most popular Sanskrit name but it is also called Silajit, and Silaras. In Urdu, it's Salajeet. Mongolian has many different, distinct words for shilajit: Shargai, Dorobi, Barahsjin, and Baragshun. In Tibetan, shilajit called Brag Zhun, which sounds similar to Barahsjin. Different Names for Different Countries. The main reason there are so many different names for shilajit, is simply that many countries have different names for the mineral pitch and resin. In English, shilajit is referred to as "mineral pitch," or "mineral wax." In fact, the name "shilajit" is actually Sanskrit.Shilijit contributes its amazing properties to Fulvic. However it is a rock or mineral substance. Meaning it will take 10times as long to enter the body and substantially more to produce the same benefits. However, using Pubmed or nih(dot)gov or any medical journal online to do some research on the topic, will shock you. Just search Fulvic Humic with any named di$e@$e or @!\ment and the surprise is beyond astonishing to phenomenal. BOO is cold pressed from 60k feet under the ground and freeze dried delivering more punch for its power. It covers all of these areas- has/is/does the following:🙌🏽Probiotics🙌🏽Prebiotics 🙌🏽Enzymes🙌🏽Antioxidants🙌🏽Electrolytes - the best electrolytes on the planet🙌🏽Amino Acids🙌🏽Trace Minerals🙌🏽Heavy Metal Chelator🙌🏽Parasite Remover🙌🏽Glutathione Booster🙌🏽Cellular Oxygenator🙌🏽Stress reliever🙌🏽Immune Booster🙌🏽Circulation Booster🙌🏽Mood Enhancer🙌🏽Nootropic🙌🏽Cellular Rejuvenator🙌🏽Microbiome Restorer🙌🏽Hormone Balancer🙌🏽Skin Care Product🙌🏽Bath Bomb🙌🏽Face Mask🙌🏽Energy Enhancer🙌🏽Boosting Oxygen up to 45%😱🥺😓🤬🥺😜🤪😂🤣My testimony: I was experiencing coshedtransmittingPAIN. I felt like I had kidneystones or worse for 3out 4weeks in a month. It was my monthly. I’m a certified naturopath. I know what I need. But this is different. We haven’t dealt with this kind before. Have we? I feel it when someone walks in who has been or just around someone who has been. It’s on JohnHopkins medical website that this technology to jump has been around for years. Articles last year stated they would make it like this. I didn’t see this until I went digging. I was focused on a runaway election. My family doesn’t feel it. Just me. But countless others do. It’s like a heavy dose of radiation (that’s the best way I can describe it) around them in their 3-6’ space. I tried everything everyone suggested. Nothing worked. This did. Big bonus is that it is saving me substantially on all my supplement needs. I won’t tell you what I was spending before. Most would be shocked. MANY items just to get quality is expensive but this alone is on average what one would cost a month or less and covering most of those items on my list!And you already know the food supply is garbage and let’s not forget whatever the heck they are dumping in from the sky!! You can’t not be supplementing in today’s world. Like my supplement monthly bill is below half of what it was! And after reviewing global comprehensive detox for this/coshedtransmitting this covers the bases. Their list is comprehensive. But so is this one item. It’s not a joke. It is real. And it works. Private fb groups have jumped from 200 to 29k in under two months. Another is over 100k. The testimonies speak for themselves! Most conservative and aware what is spoken needs coded! ❗️Dm me to get BOO before the last bit of what previously passed the FDA is out. ❗️Join my All Natural Health & Beauty group to learn more on this topic.❗️See comments on dosage amount/instructions on my wall in this exact post. ❗️Friend me and find me on Gab, Orby, Wimkin and the others we all know and 💕 😝 😂 ❗️And as always, if you have questions, message me or comment on my wall. I check daily.🚨❗️🚨❗️🚨❗️🚨And on the second front! (Please be aware if you know any one practicing natural medicine or in a mlm then this needs their attention. )This is the article mentioned in first paragraph. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-07-30-variants-congress-wants-dietary-supplements-prescription-only.html#
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Recommended start dosage is 1/8-1/16 tsp in filtered water after one week of foot baths/facials. Some do start at 1/32tsp or even 1/64 tsp in filtered water. The bags dosage is for those who have been supplementing for quite some time and are not detoxing heavily. Or for someone in dire need. Thus,... View More