Kevin Espeseth OP ED
on August 13, 2021
Latest (8-13-'21) OP ED:
"The Great Reset"
After watching all the interruptions from the egregious interruptions on Mike Lindell's on line, 3 day symposium, by the 'doughnut makers' / $.50 army, I was going to post something about killer waves and the biological ID / net, (being from a Wiccan background) / how to research / trigger God and miracles. But, it seemed like I would come off like a braggart with empty pockets.
So, let me just leave you with this: 12,900 years ago, there was and ELE event (confirmed by multiple physical evidence) now called the 'Younger Dryus" comet impact.
That brings me to a 'funny story':
My 'memory' of it was that mom told the elites of that time that the event would only affect the poor, and they believed. For the academia; the Noah's Ark / complex under the Gaza pyramids only resulted in a 10,000 year cargo cult, said Pilot. The Crucifixion was an exorcism, and none of the 'players' survived.
"Diversity ain't going away".
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