Kevin Espeseth OP ED
on August 9, 2021
The real -current- state of the US Government:
IN MY OPINION!!! (a note to one of my relatives/ watch how you phrase it if posted on media): Like most 'legislation', not the way Pharma want's to do it:
1, we only need about 1/2 the jabs pharma suggests.
2, they need to be given later in life, at a much wider time between each.
3, the MM- in particular is the one most connected with autism (because of the amount of M13(?) in it.
4, NONE of this is being held to research or financial responsibility.
5, as for the covid, it is getting more and more evidence that the Biden group mishandled the distribution of it (it got too warm and fouled manufactures instructions after about May 19, resulting in -according to a forensic accountant / and now being sued by at least 2 lawyer firms- 45,000 + deaths in the US within 4 days of jab).
6, Just like the measles jab, there are less death and more / longer suppression from the ailment than the vaccine (with some exceptions, such as older, at risk groups).
7, Just like the AZ audit, we need to rework the entire industry, as absolute power corrupts absolutely....
While we are here, Fauci was the primary instigator of the AZT when it was found that HIV progressed into AIDS from 'popper' abuse. There are still people alive today that never took any drugs.
Also, Nuremburg rule: One cannot mandate a vaccine if there are treatments for it (17 now(?)), including Hydrox./DMSO and zinc (available OTC in some areas). ... Do your research before they kill your 'woke' white ass and replace it with Latino.
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