FEAR is WHAT IS driving AMERICA’S ENGINE NOW!!! And has been for 16 months or more!IT IS NOT SCHEDULED TO END FOR AT LEAST THREE MORE YEARS … SO GET USED TO IT or … TAKE A RED PILL and WISE UP!Ever since the media has been broadcasting the HACKING of the ATLANTIC PIPELINE by the RUSSIANS, The America people are again ‘back in their cocoons’ living in a state of FEAR …. And afraid to open their mouths in protest for any wrongdoing.This times it’s a FEAR OF RUNNING OUT OF GAS and COVID … or not ever getting another FULL TANK OF GAS …or NOT KNOWING WHAT ORDERS THE GOVERNMENT HAS GIVEN FOR TOMORROW. Every American now lives in a state of FEAR … if it isn't COVID, it’s GAS … or a more appropriate wording; A FEAR OF NEVER HAVING ANOTHER FULL TANK OF GAS…America is a whole is now a nation of chickens. We FEAR whatever THE MEDIA TELLS US IS IN SHORTAGE or WHATEVER THEY DRUM INTO OUR HEADS. We are now slaves to the ‘TUBE’…. For over a year and one-half we vainly struggled under the COVID PLAN-DEMIC only to be faced with another fear FAR WORSE THAN DYING FROM A DREADED Non-existent DISEASE THAT WE CANNOT CONTROL … WE WILL NOW ALL DIE from a lack OF GAS FOR OUR CARS!!!We were told to wear that damn mask everywhere, EVEN TO BED for fear of those UNFORSEEN BUG that can crawl down our throats and kill us while we were sleeping … EVERY MOMENT ODF EVERY DAY ALMOST 24 hours a day, we were TOLD BY THE PRESS, wear your mask, stay 6 feet behind the person in from of you, don’t bother going to church, GOD cannot help you with this Plan-demic, and don’t worry about planning any 4th of July Celebrations, the government will not allow them! FOR THIS LONG PERIOD OF ONE YEAR AND A HALF, WE HAVE BEEN HOSTAGES TO THE TELEVISION AND DOCTOR DOOM, aka, MISTER ANTONY FAUCI. Never in this period of isolation did FAUCI give any real medical advice, he just bounced like a rubber ball back and forth between one and three masks WHICH you must wear at all times … AND DON’T LISTEN TO REAL DOCTORS THAT WILL TELL YOU THIS IS DOING MORE HARM THAN NOT WEARING A MASK!Now is ask you; WHAT KIND OF DAMN MEDICAL DOCTOR IS THAT? … most will answer, a Snake-oil salesman and certified QUACK!!!So what happens then as we start coming out of the Dark Ages to live our lives again ... BAMB!!! ...WE ARE hit with another national emergency that will put FEAR IN THE HEARTS and MINDS OF EVERY THAT OWNS A CAR or has a COLD … NO DAMN GAS TO PUT INTO THE 50,000 DOLLAR PIECE OF JUNK!!!I don’t know if it’s KARMA or if the bastard ‘pulling the strings’ has engineered all of these multi emergencies, and events that seem to put FEAR into the hearts of all American now, but something is behind this crap… and I for one do not believe it is FEAR of the RUSSIANS…. Perhaps it is the FEAR of OURSELVES. FEAR that we cannot stand alone, without the government's assistance, without the OIL COMPANY'S ASSISTANCE and without FEAR of any foreign country and their hacking of our most treasured, and a tank full of gas that we can use to blow through the pipes in a day, with no problem at all… AND without FAUCI DAILY GIVING US THOSE MISLEADING and NON-MEDICAL TREATMENTS for his NON-EXISTENT MEDICAL EMERGENCY … America is daily proving that we are a “NATION of SHEEP” … even the US MILITARY has gone COMPLETELY WOKE …. JUST TURN ON YOUR TELEVISIONS RIGHT NOW … and LOOK AT THE LONG LINES OF CITIZENS now fighting at the pumps for a little gas…SCRATCHING THEIR HEADS AND TAILS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THE NEXT ORDER WILL BE FOR COVID…. DAILY, WE The SHEEPLE ARE FOLLOWING THE ORDERS AS THEY ARE BEING GIVEN … MASK ON; MASK OFF; DISTANCE, NO DISTANCE; PAY ATTENTION AND DO NOT DISPUTE ANYTHING FAUCI or any person in authority TELLS YOU TO DO ...YOU ARE BEING GRADED ON THIS CHAOS … A FAILING GRADE MEANS YOU MUST REPEAT IT AGAIN and AGAIN, until you get it right!!!NONE OF THOSE PEOPLE REMEMBER THAT IT WAS; ‘We the People’ who destroyed our public transportation system. It was ‘We the People’ who put the railroads out of business. It was ‘We the People’ who put this massive truck lines into operation to replace the railroads…and now it is “We the People” who are in “lock-step” following orders for the insane being given by the INSANE! ... ‘We the People’ have no one to blame but ourselves … but do we blame ourselves for the trouble we have generated ? … NO WE BLAME THE RUSSIANS!!! … We the People have brought all of these problems upon ourselves along with a lot of help from our federal government…sold by a snake-oil salesman getting 405 thousand dollars a year funded by We The People who pay “out their noses for all of these “useless politicians and fake doctors”!!! I said that gasoline would reach over 5 dollars a gallon within one year of BIDEN taking office … I WAS WRONG … I now must change my prediction to within six months of that idiot taking office… and I ALSO SAID THAT WE WOULD NEVER GET OUT FROM UNDER THIS GENERATED PLAN-DEMIC ...IT LOOKS LIKE I WILL BE RIGHT ON THAT ONE TOO@The biggest problem America faces now is this; Every foreign nation knows the weakness of our present federal government … and LIKE A “PACK OF HUNGRY DOGS”, THEY INTEND TO FIGHT OVER THE HINDQUARTERS OF THE WEAKEST DOG … and that weakest dog is PROVING TO BE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE AS I SEE IT … JUST LOOK WHAT THE MAYOR OF NYC IS DOING TO HIS TOWN AND THE PEOPLE LIVING THERE… So, my dear friends, it will be ONE CRISIS following the other UNTIL WE GET A STRONG LEADER BACK IN CONTROL of this NATION … this gas shortage is now being blamed on the Russian hacking of the supply system … but is it really? And the Chinese are never blamed for creating the MASS CONFUSION OF COVID … and FAUCI claims IMMUNITY from all lawsuits!SO WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP GET THIS MESS THAT BIDEN HAS CREATED STRAIGHTENED OUT? … EVALUATE EVERYTHING THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND THEIR “medical experts” TELL YOU TO DO … THAT WOULD HELP A LOT!This government and the media have ALL of America believing whatever the hell they decide to publish is PURE UNVARNISHED TRUTH; … THEY COULD BLAME THE GREEN MEN FROM MARS AND MOST AMERICAN’S WOULD BELIEVE THAT!!!AMERICA NOW LIVES IN THE “AGE of FEAR” … a PERIOD of TIME when most people believe and REACT according to whatever comes out of the liberal media boob-tubes … and that is usually not in America’s interest … “Whatever Goes Around – Comes Around”!!!The media has never existed to keep the public informed in a TRUTHFUL MANNER ... it exists solely to SPREAD THE Government's PROPAGANDA and ACT as their ENFORCER, and INTIMIDATOR-in-CHARGE. So watch closely and you will soon be ‘greeted with a new and more DEADLY DISEASE’ DESIGNED to help the government CONTROL YOUR EVER ACTION IN THE FUTURE … they may even tell you what you can and cannot eat, who you can talk to and who you cannot talk too … that’s the way all good socialist/communist countries operate … or they may even develop a program for total control of your body ... after all in communist nations, they even own your body and now fight for your everlasting soul!Develop or Designed a program to make you stop taking those RED PILLS … and FORCE YOU to take only the BLUE ONES! And keep the "faucet open" for more changes ...!
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