Larry William Harris
on August 3, 2021
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Tue, August 03, 2021
The Strength of Humility
In the kingdom of heaven, weak things become mighty and mighty things often prove to be useless. God seeth not as man seeth, and the things that are held in high esteem among men may be scorned by the Most High God, maker of heaven and earth.
That carnal courage so prized in the kingdom of Adam may be the direct cause of constant and humiliating defeat among Christians. God will not be under the necessity of using fleshly means to accomplish His spiritual ends. The bold “strength of character” which helps men to forge to the front, to get the best jobs, to overawe their opponents, may stand squarely in the way of all efforts to progress in the life of the Spirit. God still gives courage to the faint, and He knoweth the proud afar off.
But he gives more grace. That is why Scripture says: 'God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.'
James 4:6
Humility is a quality extremely counter to contemporary culture. Indeed, it is generally viewed as weakness. But genuine humility is strength and the result of God's grace.
Thank You, Lord, for those brothers and sisters who have modeled genuine humility to me. May I grow to know their strength.
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