Aerick Wayne
on August 2, 2021
Some people are just ignorant. I’ve seen people asking for money, like they're homeless and they aren't. In this case? It's a Yukon that probably Bluebooks for $40-45K. It also only gets about 15mpg on the highway and costs roughly $80 to fill the gas-tank. Instead of using the rear windshield to panhandle? Why not just sell the Yukon and downgrade to something cheaper and more cost efficient; using the leftover cash to help get through a hardship? #fuhgheddaboudit 🤬🤬🤬
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Angry (1)
Unbelievable. This is the perfect example of entitled. I'm sorry but I'd say something to this person's face. I'm old so I can be bitchy. I'm sure if someone's this ballsy they wouldn't discuss anything with me. But it would make me feel better..
August 3, 2021