Wendy Bell Radio
on July 29, 2021
Please realize, we do not stream on Wimkin's app as our third party stream provider only integrates with Facebook and YouTube. For you to see our show on Wimkin, Jason embeds our Facebook feed on your homepage on the web version at www.wimkin.com. Simply sign in and you'll see our video feed at the top of your feed. We're there 24/7. Thanks! ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ
Dimension: 1200 x 1200
File Size: 594.6 Kb
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So thankful for Jason and Wimkin. Just wondering why you bother to continue to use Facebook and Youtube. I know they are the brand names, but we followed you from various radio stations and platforms. Wimkin is the only "social media" I will use, except when I sometimes get kicked over there from... View More
August 2, 2021
We'll keep struggling to watch and listen. I just wish we could all abandon facebook and youtube, and quit empowering them to censor. I am probably pollyanna. Love y"all and keep up the good work. Thank You.
August 2, 2021
OK Facebook, which is apparently the only place I can now get the replay, will not let me play the replay without an account. I will not sign up for facebook, not even for Wendy Bell. If I am frustrated, I imagine I am not alone. Wishing you all the best, but I am spending way too much time tryin... View More
August 3, 2021 Edited