Jeanie Marshall
on July 27, 2021
I Wake up Smiling
An Article By Jeanie Marshall
“I wake up smiling“ could be a metaphor for life‘s enlightening moments, a song title about a smile, or the response to transition from sleep to the days activities.
[I wrote this article in 2008. It reminds me how important it is to not rely on others to smile throughout the day. During this current World Crisis, I find that I smile less, simply because I do not interact with as many people. So I have recommitted myself to smile for no reason.]
I love the “waking-up smile” as a metaphor for enlightenment, and maybe I’ll write a song someday, but I do mean literally that I start each day this way. Often I awaken in the very early morning hours to meditate; I wake up smiling. After my meditation, I sometimes return to bed, so I get a second chance to wake up.
[Read the rest of the article.]
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