Kevin Espeseth OP ED
on July 26, 2021
Now, a post about the contract of the US Fed. Government to its citizens (part 1).
I'm not sure if this is even constitutional, but it would solve a lot of problems:
VISTA DRAFT, to be able to vote(ALL) and 50% income tax reduction for voting.
This would;
1, Encourage widespread voting (and make it more difficult to stuff boxes if the total vote exceed the population).
2, Allow immigrants a quicker path to citizenship (2 years as opposed to 20), as well as teach them the language and a trade with experience.
3, Vet anyone in the 2 year program to a wide range of others to see that everyone is about the same, as well as kick the jagoffs out.
4, Lower the cost on infrastructure maintenance.
5, etc...More in part 2 (later).
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