Julia Georgette monreal
on July 23, 2021
I AM ALLOWED TO VENT ON A FREED3OF SPEECH PLATFORM😂.This is one of the ladys in the organized hate group on fb that claim they are patroits!! ive being harrassed by her on fb ,just becuase i follow another Patroit by the name of paloma,she claims i hav hate pages but never shows proof!i dont own no hate pages !! im not even on fb i still gey notifcations frm family group i have on fb thats about it ! if you have her on fb block her she is not in her right mind !! if you dont like another patriot yu ignore them and move on !! you dont sit and organize hate pages to trash them like theu do fb !i have reported her but fb does not do anything
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Scott Walters
Why are you bringing your FB nonsense here?
July 23, 2021
Scott Walters
Scott Walters replied - 6 replies
3 words. Get off Facebook..
July 23, 2021
Julia Georgette monreal
I still have family that refuse to leave fb i post as i pls on my timeline she claims she is a patriot i dont even know her
July 23, 2021
Michael Blankenship
Michael Blankenship replied - 1 reply