NEW HAMPSHIREBiden – 424,921 (52.71%)Trump – 365,654 (45.36%)NOTE: SEE ATTACHED EXPANSION FOR FULL PICTURENH was a near-flip for Trump in 2016, just under 3k difference. Trump’s anti-war stance made him a perfect fit to flip NH, as the Iraq War is a key reason Bush lost it in 2004 after carrying it in 2000. Working class shift in effect as seen in the Midwestern states, Dem peak being in 2008, with a heavy share of independent voters.Red – High FraudYellow – Moderate/Suspect FraudIf Biden is 40k heavy, his lead would dwindle to 50.3 to 47.8% (2.5%), or just 19k votes. If there is vote flipping electronically, this is likely a Trump state. I had it two or less to either candidate (tilt) leading up to the election.Best for audits – Hillsborough, Rockingham, Merrimack, Strafford
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