Constitutional American Militia Project short for C.AM.P is on Telegram if you are having problem finding them look for my name ill send invite to get you in and join become a member CAMP is looking for patriots who are will to stand up for country and communities
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Joe Rut Roh Hendrix
Never heard of this group, want to know more but not gonna use Telegram. How long has it been in existence? What's their mission statement? How well are they received by the general public? Could you please message me concerning these questions? Thank you
Ernest Bledsoe jr
Hello joe we are a new group made up of lots of different old groupes that fall apart after 6 Jan we have over 600 members through out the united states and growing fast
We will be at the Patriots Network Summit in Dugspur Va on 30 july - 1 Aug some 24 state will be there we are about the Constitu... View More