DONOT BE SELFISH, IN HUMILITY VALUE OTHERS! (Phil’s.2:3)“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.”Philippians 2:3 KJV Christian should have the same mindset as JESUS when relating to others.Selfish ambition can be understood as motivation to elevate oneself or to put one’s own interests before another’s. It is a self - above others approach. Paul instructs us to value others above ourselves and look out for their interests. We do not elevate ourselves above others but willingly sacrifice in order to love them. He details that JESUS is the epitome of humility. HE humbled HIMSELF to the lowliest position by washing the feet of HIS disciples and dying in the cross. When we understand the incredible sacrifice, grace, and mercy of HIM on our behalf, we realize that we have no use for pride. We have no need for selfishness. We need not focus solely on our own interests because we rest in our Saviour JESUS CHRIST. Rather than be motivated by selfishness or pride, we can be one mind with other people and put their interests before our own.FOR WHERE JEALOUSY AND SELFISH AMBITION EXIST THERE WILL BE DISORDER AND EVERY VILE PRACTICE (James 3:16)
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