Jeanie Marshall
on July 15, 2021
Many people are confused by communications from those with a microphone or keyboard, especially those who use codes with multiple interpretations.
Remember, we are at war, and communications must be mixed. I am not using β€œWar” as code for anything else. We ARE at war. Any adult alive at this time has experienced many wars, but THIS war is different.
In times of war, communication to multiple audiences must take place on different levels concurrently, using the same words. A word can be sent with its conventional definition intact to reach one audience, while additional meanings reach other audiences. Metaphors, similes, images, and numbers are used in precisely the same way.
I encourage you to educate yourself on the codes. Even if you just open to the POSSIBILITY that someone is speaking or writing a coded message will lead you to consider multiple meanings. You will be less inclined to make a premature decision nor label someone stupid or a liar. With practice, you will be less inclined to misinterpret a communication, and more able to see the different meanings concurrently.
Ridicule of others only prevents you from finding the Truth and keeps you stuck right where you are. Hatred may initially propel you to seek Truth, but if you stay in hate consciousness, you will not find Truth.
Unlike other wars, THIS war transcends national boundaries, race, gender, religion or creed, political parties, languages, and all other divisions that have been used by the Cabal to manipulate us to fight against each other. If you are fighting these battles, I encourage you to STOP because you are fighting against humanity.
For me, studying and learning the codes first on my own and then joining others, I stay much more upbeat, kind, and loving. I recognize in my heart, even more than in my head, the dynamics of The Great Awakening.
This current war has been waged for thousands of years in the shadows. We humans have all colluded with it by not noticing or by accepting it. Now, the Light of Love is shining on the darkness of pain and hatred and corruption to make it more visible.
Make a game of discovering the codes to bring greater meaning and empowerment to you. Do not fight with your friends; if you disagree on a topic, step back and find areas of agreement. The most important topics will resurface as needed.
Human beings, with all our differences and idiosyncrasies and flaws and mistakes, must come together to fight for our Magnificent Earth.
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