Jeanie Marshall
on July 14, 2021
I created this graphic to draw attention to a worthwhile, though not happy, question.
It will be most useful if you ask yourself the question when you are feeling hatred or have just felt hatred.
No need to dwell on it. No need to be absorbed in it. Just ask and listen to the answer.
β€œWho / What Taught You to Hate?”
Your answer (or series of answers) will help you to distinguish between your OWN thoughts and feelings of hatred and the thoughts and feelings of hatred that were or are still being taught to you by others.
Do you want to make that hatred yours? (It is your choice.)
There is no need to blame yourself or anyone who has taught you to hate. No need to broadcast it to others. Keep it simple. Start by neutralizing the hatred, move to finding something to like, then to love.
Remember, also, to turn off the sources of hatred. Choose.
I believe we human beings are designed to be loving, to be magnificent, to live joyously. It is a choice, a choice to make multiple times each day.
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