Jeanie Marshall
on July 13, 2021
Calmness is something that you feel inside you. It is also a dynamic you can transmit or share with others.
How do YOU find calmness?
Kindness is a very powerful, yet gentle, catalyst to finding calmness. This may be a kindness to yourself or to others. You may show the kindness or simply feel it inside you.
One of the most difficult aspects of the World Crisis we are experiencing is that the war has been taken into homes and neighborhoods and stores and online groups. Simple acts of kindness can dramatically change our day-to-day experiences.
If you choose, it is easy to fight about minor differences. Just look through your camera-like eye with a high-powered zoom lens and let the arguments begin. Easy. Not empowering, but easy.
So many people are on automatic response to blame or ridicule or strike out in some other way. They clean the zoom lens to sharpen their arguments or insults.
I encourage you to retract the zoom lens on your eyesight. If you do, you can more easily see that we are fighting a war of great magnitude. It is a war to save humanity.
Human beings must stand together. We must stand together in our DIFFERENCES as sovereign beings.
Be Kind. Be Calm. Be Loving. Be Grateful. Be Forgiving. Be Magnificent. Be You.
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