on July 12, 2021
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Angry (3)
Sad (1)
Richard R Mullins
Yea choices were made. We've all made bad ones. But I dont want to make one like that. And I can imagine why she will hurt the rest of her life for it
July 12, 2021
Richard R Mullins
Richard R Mullins replied - 2 replies
Marcia Devilbiss
How do you figure that a jab full of toxic poisons, metals, fetal parts and animal parts is "mostly safe"!?!?!?!!
July 12, 2021
Kirk Trudeau🇨🇦
Kirk Trudeau🇨🇦 replied - 1 reply
Richard R Mullins
Not mine rather. Still some🙄🙃. I must admit. I took the first shot for shingles but starting to hear all this stuff on vaxxers I said not the 2nd shingles no way. I some times have an itch here other abit no sores. Could be my imagination. But I think on it. WHAT THE [----%@&@%^-] HAVE THEY BEEN D... View More
July 12, 2021