Jeanie Marshall
on July 9, 2021
I have told every employee and many clients that I attribute my success to making mistakes. I usually say this right after the client or employee has made a mistake.
The key is to make DIFFERENT mistakes and reflect on each one long enough to learn something new. If I keep making the SAME mistakes, I have not really learned.
A statement like this to someone who has just made a mistake can diffuse guilt or discouragement. And it can lay the foundation for identifying learnings and moving forward.
If you are hard on yourself when you make mistakes, remember that you cannot fail if you learn from them.Β  So, learn from them!
And you can also decide to learn from EVERY situation, whether you have made a mistake or been successful. Do not buy into the belief that you can only learn through your mistakes.
Decide to learn from everything and everyone. Learn what to do; learn what not to do.
Make this a Successful Day!
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