Lorrie Ealy
on July 4, 2021
The 4th of July. Brave souls who gave us a day to Celebrate. Independence Day. A day we should now protect.
Synonym for independent
FREE, INDEPENDENT, SOVEREIGN, AUTONOMOUS mean not subject to the rule or control of another. FREE stresses the complete absence of external rule and the full right to make all of one's own decisions.  you're free to do as you like  INDEPENDENT implies a standing alone; applied to a state it implies lack of connection with any other having power to interfere with its citizens, laws, or policies.  the colony's struggle to become independent  SOVEREIGN stresses the absence of a superior power and implies supremacy within a thing's own domain or sphere.  separate and sovereign armed services  AUTONOMOUS stresses independence in matters pertaining to self-government.  in this denomination each congregation is regarded as autonomous.
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