The British are coming, the British are coming !We all have heard the tale of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. Thanks to his and the other four riders spreading the word over the next week including Sybil Ludington, a 16yr. old girl who rode a 40 mile circuit rallying the troops. They managed to rise up and beat the British empire after 7 years, through many battles, at the cost of 6,800 dead in battle, another 17000 dead of cold and disease, including the 8-12 thousand who died while prisoners of war. Everyone of them were fighting for the safety and future of their families. Since our founding, we have been having to fight for everything we have, and keep watch to make sure we didn't lose what we had gained. The other day, I was looking at the history of the USS Texas, BB35, who has a pretty amazing history. Seeing combat in two World Wars, and several other incidents including our "invasion" of Mexico. On D-Day, she closed in within 3000 yards of the beach to provide close in support, while destroyers around her were running aground farther out. 20 days later, while again providing support for ground troops, she was repeatedly shot at, and hit twice. One was a dud, the other wasn't, wounding 10 others and mangling the bridge. Those are just two notes of our rich history. I'm not saying we need to be proud of everything we have done in our history. Some of it is down right shameful. However, we need to get back to it before we lose everything we have always had. The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, with it's Bill of Rights were always our countries backbone, our strength, our compass. That, combined with our country's fortune that we have always had men and women who were willing to stand and fight for this country because they wanted to protect their families, and our future. Right now, there are over 400,000 men and women buried at Arlington National Cemetery. You must ask yourself --- are we REALLY making them proud ?
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