Brad Petersen
on June 30, 2021
Driving down the road using my 2-70 air-conditioning. I wonder what brilliant young ignorant engineer did away with wing windows on cars ?
Dimension: 720 x 914
File Size: 57.94 Kb
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Dana Whitney
Where’s this?
June 30, 2021
Brad Petersen
Brad Petersen replied - 1 reply
Patty Holtke
I had no idea that Montana got that hot!
July 2, 2021
Patty Holtke
Patty Holtke replied - 2 replies
Patty Holtke
How can a person on Wimkin see the posts of their friends without having to go to each of their pages?
July 2, 2021
Nautili replied - 1 reply