Jim Groepler custom working.
Its been busy around here lately. Between working on the projects, and maintaining our equipment and property.
The 1976 Dixie boat project is finally DONE. The customer was excited to hear it run in the test barrel.
1994 Nissan hardbody truck. After replacing the water pump, timing belt, distributor cap, rotor button, and coil as well as some other work, it starts and runs good now.
Monday, I will take it on a road test, hopefully to insure it's ready to return it to the owner this week.
The 86 F150 engine hopefully will be ready this week also. Then the fun of painting and reassembly begins.
The 71 LTD project is waiting on the carb. The shop the customer and I ordered the reman carb from is backed up. As I've said before a busy shop means they are in demand !!!
The 59 Ford Galaxie Fairlane 500 is coming along. The owner asked me to slow down as some stuff came up that they weren't expecting.
The stingray boat project is still awaiting a new engine.
Dimension: 1600 x 1200
File Size: 140.81 Kb
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