Laci Aaron
on June 23, 2021
World Khazarian Zionist Parasite controlled Vatican operated Government Corporations including United States declares war on Humanity. Their goal is 90% depopulation of the human race using deadly vaccines and 5G Weapons.
The World is in a Global War between the Khazarian Luciferian Roman cult and their sycophants v All of Humnanity. We are at war with a Luciferian cult that has taken control of all aspects of world Society and all so called Governments.
America was couped by the khazarian Roman Cult in the 1860s and through proxies, its agents have been destroying America from within every since.
Their strategy over the last 150 years was to dumb down Americans and to convert Americans in to Socialists through Psycological Warfare techniques, including endless propoganda/fake news. The intention was to get the people to call for and demand a New World Order Global Governance System [Problem – Reaction – Solution]. The trigger was the planned collapse of the current Central Banking System which was always intended to be destroyed by the Luciferian cult to trigger their New World Order Slave Planet System.
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John Muir
But wouldn't fewer people = less $ for them? Kind of like shooting themselves in the foot if true...
June 23, 2021
Yisroel Simcha
Kissinger is a classic case of an anti-Jew. Read his biography, flip it 180 degrees opposite, and you'll get a glimpse of what Torah-observant (real, not heretical) Judaism is about.
June 23, 2021