John childers
on June 10, 2021
What a time to be alive
Dimension: 420 x 538
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Mike Thebeau
You sure human is OK to say? Lefty loons probably offended by that. Homosapian history?
June 10, 2021
Richard R Mullins
And if any man thinks hes the one in control of it anywhere at anytime hes an utter fool. GOD IS IN CONTROL. That doesn't mean your or I incapable of choice or happenstance. Nut the out come for good is always by the will of God. Even when one chooses to do evil is exempt from taking GODS control a... View More
June 10, 2021
John childers
True yet God gave us the ability to fight for humanity and what's right. If we do nothing but wait for God to save us it won't happen. God helps those who are whiling to us the knowledge he gave us to fight the good fight.
June 11, 2021
Richard R Mullins
Richard R Mullins replied - 3 replies