Michael Scott Daniels
on June 6, 2021
Any of you guys want some leads on intel, actual intelligence from not only our Net but other White Hat Nets, I'll drop them here if you guy's are serious about getting them into your critical source feeds for all related information concerning current and future efforts to take down DC. When I say take down, this is not an effort to commit violence, exactly the opposite. We are at war and we've had war declared on us, the freedom loving Americans who had an election stolen from us all. We are similar to the original Anonymous Collective that helped to expose every dirty secret the govt had and was hiding from 9-11 to the OIF OEF conflict that my brothers and I diligently tried to serve and do our best by the oaths we took. Some of our team are still actively engaged as contractors in the Intelligence Community as well as forward deployed in harms way serving a Commander in Chief who has literally attempted to destroy us with so many various avenues its too damn much to list here... The war we are fighting now is an information war and an active Mexican Chinese cooperative low intensity invasion of our southern border. We will fight this tirelessly until they leave us no choice than to fight in other ways we hope to try and prevent. Visit American Legionnaire on Patreon as well as our friends at MonkeyWerx and any other Patriot Community that isn't selling disinformation for subscribers and likes for profit. If we see a decent interest here in the comments, we will drop our links for other platforms we are actively and discretely engaged on. Please understand that our team and others are putting our careers and our own lives at risk but we refuse to let this nation fall on her knees to a Marxist regime currently occupying our White House. Use VPN technology and feel free to connect with us here or on the Patreon, Twitch, CommieTube (soon to be deleted) and other platforms we can access and help us take this Cabal and Deep State down by destroying them by their own rules on our terms and the information campaign they have forced upon us. Do not kid yourselves, if you supported Trump, and have a Christian and Conservative foundation in your personal lives, you are now a target.
Thank you in advance for your support!!
The Team at American Legionnaire.......
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Robert Parker
June 7, 2021