White Lightning Woman
on June 6, 2021
I was kicked off of Minds.com because I had numerous arguments with the administration about the amount of #pedo and #incestporn they seem to let slip through their fingers.
Understand, they had #censored me and removed many of my posts, which at the time were a vast majority of #shamanism posts, nature medicine and #naturallaw. A few of the 'cliquey' pages ganged up on me and accused me of being a 'fake shaman.' This was because their dumb, media controlled pea-brains could not wrap around the fact that a white woman could write such prolific posts on the subject.
They searched for a means to accuse me of stealing the text, yet could not as my writing is an imprint of my own energetic expression, my own creative rendering.
Then they went to FB and found pics of my Granddaughter, made fake profiles where they made it like I was a whore, and my GB was my baby. They took a random family friend pic and made him my baby daddy. I e-mailed the admin many times, and they pretended they did not get them. I reported the pages and posts, they would not remove them. Minds.com admin wanted to humiliate me, and I believe it is them who harassed me because of the stink I made over the kiddie porn on their site.
I have been truth speaking since 2012 on FB, shadowbanned and harassed since 2012-it's noting new.
Speaking up against pedos has cost me sites on many pages and mass #gangstalking on a few sites. it's done nothing to me by wizen me, and toughen me up.
More people have to stand up to them in minions, the same minions that form against one when a pedo is threatened. We can do this humans, its not hard.
<3 My name is Lisa, I am from Canada, and my spirit name is #RainbowLightningWoman
Welcoming all #TRUMP loving patriots and good people from all over the world to friend request!
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