Ritch Mooneyham
on May 28, 2021
Yes. They do walk among us. This morning I take our trash to the local Waste Disposal Center. While there, a guy pulls his trailer to the metal disposal bin where he begins pushing this off his trailer.
Me: What's wrong with it?
Him: It don't run good and it don't cut worth a damn.
Me: I'll take it.
Him: O-tay
I've been tinkering on it all day trying to get it to start.
(1) Battery is DEAD! Pull and charge it.
(2) Check the oil ... Black as coal soot & so thick it would not drain!
(3) Air filter ... Solid as a brick. NEVER cleaned or changed. ORIGINAL AIR FILTER!
(4) Pull the spark plug. Electrode burned off. ORIGINAL SPARK PLUG!
(5) Pull the oil filter. Heavy as a rock. ORIGINAL OIL FILTER!
After picking up a CHEAP oil filter and spark plug (I have oil), reinstalling the now charged battery and couple of shots of ether, IT RUNS LIKE A TOP!
Test cut time. What cut?!?!?
(6) Look at blades. WHAT BLADES?!?!? There are 3 pieces of flat steel. Oh yeah ... ORIGINAL BLADES! I'll pick some up tomorrow.
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Grace Whittaker
I believe scripture says the wealth of the wicked is layed up for the rightious
May 28, 2021
Michael Blankenship
I spent three months down in Peru. They fix everything and I mean everything.
May 28, 2021
Rob Bourinski
You lucky dog ! Paid $20.00 for gas engine wood chipper. The guy said he left gas in it over winter. I can see he left it outside. The carb was destroyed . Another $20.00 for a carb, new blades and it runs awesome.
May 28, 2021
Rob Bourinski
Rob Bourinski replied - 2 replies