on May 18, 2021
May 15th, 2021
Ancara the Arcturian
Spiral of Light for Release
Greetings. I am Anchara an Arcturian healer and I am happy to communicate with you.
This channel has asked to receive Light codes to help humanity at this time. And I have come forward to provide an energy activation that enables the release of discordant energies being received, stored and/or radiated at this time.
Currently, you are experiencing a multitude of mental, emotional and cosmic frequencies. Many of you are empaths and Lightworkers who are sensitive to the intensity of the energies and may feel at times as if you are being battered by the ceaseless waves of the energetic ocean. If you have not yet learned how to process and release unhelpful or destructive energy or are not disciplined in daily cleansing, you are likely to feel drained and overwhelmed.
You create and receive energy in many ways on a day to day basis. For example, if you are placing your attention on information that you find upsetting and processing it through a limited lense (one that does not see the bigger picture, is misinformed or lacks spiritual understanding) then, you are likely to be interpreting the information you hear, see or read about in a way that generates unpleasant feelings such as anxiety, worry fear concom blame, resentment, anger, etc.
Our interactions with others also result in an unconscious exchange of energy. You may be picking up energies that are not your own and unconsciously agreeing to carry them to ease the pain or negativity of another. If you are a Lightworker, you may also find you are 'spammed' by negative entities in an attempt to derail you from your spiritual work and focus.
Over time, repetition of unpleasant thoughts, images and emotions can change the landscape of your mind and the climate of your consciousness. Negative thoughts and emotions are like a spider's web; if you are not alert or careful with what you give your attention to, you will find yourself stuck like a fly in a web of thought and emotions.
Remember, that you constantly radiate (signal) a vibration. This is why it is of the upmost importance that you are conscious of your feeling and mental states and work to produce high frequency thoughts and emotions as often as you can.
I have come forward to help you at this time to make the process of release and transmutation as easy as I can for you. All that is required is your mental and/or verbal consent, so that you may receive the high frequency codes embedded in the following words and imagery.
The activation of the Spiral of Light for Release is intended to help draw out low frequency energy from your system, transmute it using the violet flame to neutralise it and then release it back to the universe. It is intended to our potent best
restore your energy bodies so you, Light Workers, are at your potent best.
Imagine a sparkling and radiant spiral of multi-coloured green, yellow, blue, pink, violet and white light before you. The meaning and purpose of these colours are explained below.
Green - Heart chakra.
This chakra may be obstructed or not functioning optimally at this time. The mind tends to shut-off/bypass access to the heart centre when significant emotional pain has been/is experienced. The spiralling high frequency light codes work to magnetise and extract all unwanted and unhelpful energies.
The colour green is the visual interpretation of the frequency emitted and received by this energy centre. It associated with health and vitality, which comes from complete connection to the Source of Love within our heart centres.
Immerse yourself in the ocean of green Mother Earth offers -you may find these energies outdoors in nature, in the plants you grow at home; but you can also access these frequencies by simply tuning into them with your mind - visualising the green lushness of forests or imagining an emerald-green light shining within or around you. Bask in the sensations that this colour evokes in you. Let it rebalance and restore you. Feel yourself fully connect to All Life.
Yellow-Solar plexus chakra
Feelings of disempowerment tend to obstruct this energy centre. This may relate to feeling personally unable to stop, confront or positively influence personal or collective events.
The colour yellow carries the frequencies of the Christ Consciousness and divine wisdom. It is also associated with joy, warmth and positivity. As with the colour green, you can focus your attention on visualising beautiful yellow objects that evoke joyful feelings, such as flowers, birds, butterflies or simply the radiant sun on a summer's day. Allow these awakened sensations to saturate your being and re-energise and rebalance this energy centre.
Blue-Throat chakra.
This chakra becomes congested or blocked when difficult emotions are unable to be expressed verbally, when there is a fear of speaking one's truth or when unkind words have been spoken.
This colour also carries the frequencies of Divine Order & Will, protection and unity. Immerse yourself in the vibrancy of blue. You may wish to spend time visiting (either physically or mentally) the sea contemplating the fluidity of water, the feeling of openness and expansion the ocean gives, the abundance of colourful life that teems beneath the surface.
There is a sense of freedom that comes from the colour blue. When you come to understand your true Divine nature, you realise that freedom is a natural state of being.
Direct your attention to the feelings of expansion and freedom, to the sensations evoked by the various shades blue of the ocean and sky. Trust that your personal expression is valuable and needed at this time. Allow this energy centre to be recalibrated and restored.
Pink- Pink Ray
This Divine Ray radiates unconditional love, compassion and nurturing. It is the blanket that soothes all suffering, the elixir that heals all pain. Within each of you is an inexhaustible source of Love. It is stored within your Sacred Heart Centre.
As before, focus on the beauty of this colour and its frequencies. There is a softness or tenderness to this energy. Imagine your heart is like a budding pink rose - visualise it opening its petals gently, releasing its sweet fragrance. See it as it opens up wider. Feel how open it is to love, to sooth, to restore and to heal. Allow this frequency to fill your entire being a perfumed oil that anoints you from your head down to your toes.
Violet- Violet Ray
This Divine Ray radiates the flame of transmutation. It carries the combined frequencies of Mother & Father God and is used to transform darkness into light, to transmute energy in accordance with the Divine Will.
Imagine a sparkling cooling flame of violet appear before you. The purpose of this flame is to refresh you, to lighten you of dense energies. Visualise yourself stepping into this violet fire which immediately dissolves anything that has been dulling your auric field. When you feel ready to step out of this flame, see how vibrant and radiant your aura is.
White -White Ray
This Divine Ray radiates the attributes of purity of spirit, restoration and ascension. Immersing yourself in the frequencies of this colour enables your spiritual innocence and purity to be restored. It aligns you to your true Divine nature -your eternal, loving, powerful and omniscient Self.
May the Spiral of Light activation restore you to a state of balance and receptivity so that you may continue to radiate like a blinding Sun in this world.
It is my honour to be at your service at this time. It is my purpose and intention to share my healing with all who are interested in receiving it.
I am Ancara. I leave you with my blessings.
via Jaimie Shires
sananda website
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