on May 10, 2021
Motivational Jewelry at Lotus of the Nile!!
When 2020 insanity started, I said NO way to random people telling me what to do. So i decided to take my life in control, like exercising without depending on companies qho hire employees that dont give a **** about you, your health, and even less our human rights.
These necklaces are meant to remind you to keep on going, no matter what!! Sometimes the hardest path is actually the Easiest most rational one!!!
Going Live and on SALE in 3 days at
Stay tuned!
#inspire #aspire #smallbusiness #america #inGodwetrust #usa #momowned #empower #support
#handmade #local #community #jewelry #art
Dimension: 3264 x 1836
File Size: 179.9 Kb
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