Michael Jason Alexander
on April 20, 2021
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Michael Blankenship
Nicely said. It feels to me that they know how close they are to having Trump back in office which literally means "game over" and in their minds, a trip to Gitmo for treason. The reality is that the military is in charge and this is already in play and will happen. They can fuck about, spend a few ... View More
April 20, 2021
Michael Jason Alexander
I hope you're right, Michael. I don't say this a lot, but I worry that the Deep State, the Intelligence Community, is so firmly entrenched, and HAS been since the 70s, that even the military is being gutted. If it ever came time to lock and load, I'm just not sure where the priorities would lie for... View More
May 10, 2021
Michael Blankenship
Michael Blankenship replied - 1 reply