Jaques Tiearney
on April 18, 2021
I am Jaques Tiearney. This is me, my beautiful wife, Mariska an our firstborn, Autumn-Rose. We currently have a second girl on the way( 23 weeks pregnant) We currently reside in South Africa although we aim to relocate to Namibia by year end. I work in the offshore industry as a diver and have previous experience in the navy as a clearance diver and instructor. I am a God fearing Christian and believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins. I welcome anybody as a contact and friend that is honest and true. I also believe that God gave me an immune system that doesn't need any poison to fight a fake virus. I am fed up with corrupt people and systems that aim to enslave the world and take away my God given liberties (at home and worldwide) Thank you, Wimkin, for a platform that lets me express my opinion without censorship.
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Gwen Mihalatos
Aww! Beautiful family!!! ?
April 18, 2021