Heather Nettrour
on April 17, 2021
This is a post about bird and animals deaths. I have lost people in the past too but this is not a posted about that.
We had a fire on 2-20-2021 all house pets dead in the fire.
I take each day as it comes. I am not a dweller, I never have been. I have gone through loss and it is hard but you learn to cope and get through it
We have lost dogs in the past but mostly from old age. You are ready for old age a little. Or at least I am.
My first baby goat I even got died one day after I got her. I was so sad I held her and just cried. It was not just her loss but the dreams of her and her someday babies all gone.
One time just after my dad had died a fox got into my coop and killed all the chicks my hens had been brooding on. It was a horrible scene to come in on, so much blood and all my beautiful babies!
A different time my favorite chicken got her head stuck and she strangled herself. I thought my heart would break. I was so sad when she died.
A different time a weasel killed all the chickens in a coop, some of my very favorite chickens were in there. The same weasel killed a mother duck, but not her babies. The mother duck kept her babies safe.
A hawk once killed my chickens daily, that was also very hard.
Last spring a skunk got into a coop and killed all my nesting hens and all the eggs they were on.
Everytime something hard happens I have the chance to pick myself up and go on or dwell. I choose to go on. I have too many counting on me to dwell.
Life can be hard and right now life is very hard, but I have my brother and sister. We all made it out of the fire. I cannot get a new sister like I can get a new puppy. So I go on.
We lost a lot but we do not live for this world. We cannot take anything with us. I like my stuff. I always treasure what I have.
I always looked at my stuff this way. When I was a little kid dad made $10 a hour. So if I had something worth $10, then it was an hour of my dad's life and if I did not treasure it, then it was some of my dad's life wasted.
But still stuff is stuff and you cannot take it to heaven with you.
I miss the doves cooing so much. The mornings are just not right without them. And I am saddend by the sounds of their deaths. It happened in seconds, all flapping and dropping ??
I miss my puppy the most. We had been wanting a puppy for years. And I wanted a puppy for 2020 as it would be easy to keep track of her age. But we could not find a Boston Terrier anywhere other than a puppy farm and we were not going to get one there. So we decided to get a pug as we knew someone who bred pugs, but she was not breeding that year. And when we thought we would not get a 2020 puppy my friend's Boston Terrier got pregnant. And my friend told me I could have a puppy if I delivered them. I had delivered goats and stuff. And on the day my puppy was born I was there to deliver her and her siblings. It was a beautiful time and an amazing experience. ?? I got to pick my puppy after my friend picked hers. And I fell in love with Sakura the moment I saw her.
And when I got to take her home she was the most perfect puppy one could ever have and I know, as I have had bad puppies before. Every moment with her was a dream. I would not trade that time for not feeling her loss.
I miss having a dog. We have always had dogs. But we cannot get one now as we are in an RV and need to be ready for one. And I do not want just any dog I want the right dog. The other dog was 15 and I known she was going to pass away soon. I was prepared for her passing but not in that way.
My cats were still young, only a few years old and house cats. I loved them both. They were so much fun. But Twilight Sparkle was my favorite. She was my kitty. We took them both in. But I got Twilight Sparkle when I was having a hard time with stuff and she really helped me at that time.
I loved all my rabbits. They all were special in their own way. We also took in he guinea pigs. They were so much fun. They loved to talk and were so happy.
The quail I took in as well. They were beautiful birds that brought joy to every day, I put some of their eggs under the doves and they had hatched out just days before the fire. My poor little babies. I had doves on dove eggs too and babies doves only days old.
My dove Henry I also took in. He was the most amazing dove. He was so special, He was 9 year old and had a beautiful mate and 2 beautiful babies with him when he died. ????
My brother won me my first goldfish at the fair. It was such a fun time and I loved to watch him swim about and I got him some friends from the pet store.
I loved my chickens that were in for the cold, my poor babie. But Rooster Cockburn was the most special of all.
Rooster Cockburn was shipped to me years ago. I took him in from someone who loved him so much that she wanted to make sure he got to a good home when they had to move that she express mailed him to me. We become friends after that and Rooster Cockburn was one of my favorite rescue roosters.
I had him for years and he was a beautiful rooster and fathered many babies. But he had broken his wing the summer before and he could not take the cold anymore.
I also had 3 chickens too, only 9 weeks or so old.
I loved all my birds and animals so much. I am not the type of person who gets sick of their pets or does not like their dog once it was not a puppy. I was looking forward to my puppy being a dog.
But I try not to think of the stuff that makes me sad and with God to strengthen me I go on. I have a farm to take care of and we have so much to do right now.
We lost everything. The whole house burnt to the ground. All the pictures we ever took that were not on Facebook or the ones we had on the phone at that time, are gone. And we took so many pictures. All the paintings I painted and the stuff to paint them gone. All the books my sister and I wrote together for fun are gone. My knitting gone. All My Little Pony toys, gone. Everything gone all at once.
But if I could have at least gotten my puppy out alive none of that would hurt so much. But I will see her again and she is waiting there for me with all the pets we have lost in the past and my dad.
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