Mark Poulin
on April 14, 2021
Cops are trained yell "taser, taser, taser" when they intend to tase a suspect to protect their fellow officers, letting them know to get clear of the person and car being tased. If she intended to shoot him, her training would have informed her to yell something to the effect of "stop or I will shoot", "he has a weapon", etc. to help any potential witnesses and other officers understand her actions, and to protect fellow officers from the gunfire which could kill people behind, beyond, or through her target.
Glocks have trigger safeties. If you pull the trigger it fires.
No guns have "safety valves" they aren't water heaters, boilers, nor pressure cookers. Please do not pretend to be an authority on firearms when you know nothing.
Also gun control zealots, his outstanding warrant was for an illegal gun. You always say you want this shit to happen to gun owners who break the law. I have been told I deserve to die, or be shot for simply owning legal firearms.
This was a tragedy. His life mattered, absolutely. However being aggressively violent in an aggravated burglary and again during a lawful arrest for a gun crime leads one dow a path of chaos where the outcome is never certain. Violence is chaos. If you start violence, you start chaos, and you have to know death and serious injury are potential outcomes. The officer did make a huge mistake and endangered everyone by using a tool other than what she intended to. There should be an investigation. However to imply you knew her motive is foolish. You are not God and never will be.
It is riot season again, and hey look there are riots.
"#CommonSenseGunControl" "#CommonSenseGunReform" #Glock #Safety #Taser #BLM #Riots #SecondAmendment #2ndA #2A
Don't commit aggravated burglary and follow that up with gun crimes.
Use the tool you intend to.
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Robin Schweitzer
Would never happened if he had followed law.
April 14, 2021
John Russo
John Russo replied - 2 replies