Mary Liberty
on April 12, 2021
Now keep mind there are 22 aisles in our store and I start at 3 p.m., have only a cashier with me, have to run to the front of the store in order to d so all Western Union transactions, all Fed Ex transactions, all price overrides, all overrinning corrections, all item voids, check in any vendors delivering ice, potato chip, refrigerated or frozen items (and stock those immediately) yet somehow I'm suppose to get this done. Oh and that recovery that starts at 5p.m. hmmm I start at 3 and spend an hour counting and balancing all day shift registers and the same fund. As reward for all this i make less than $10 an hour while some jagoff wants $15 an hour to flip a fuckin burger
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Michael Blankenship
Do the job with the quality of someone who makes less than $10 per hour. If they complain about the quality indicate that your work gets better the more you make. Then query whoever it is that's bitching how much they make per hour? Sometimes it takes a little push-back.
April 12, 2021
Mary Liberty
Mary Liberty replied - 1 reply